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Madhurya Kadambini

Madhurya Kadambini, which translates to "A row of clouds that pour rain in the form of sweet nectar," is a profound text that unveils the stages of bhakti, or devotional service, leading to the highest state of Prema Bhakti. Srila Viswanatha Chakravarti Thakur provides a clear roadmap, illuminating the path for practitioners of Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇavism. In this self-study course, you will explore the different stages of bhakti, understand the obstacles to overcome, and learn how to advance on the path towards divine love. Course Teacher: HG Sri Keshav Das

Course Instructor IBMV-NA


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Course Overview

Madhurya Kadambini, which translates to "A row of clouds that pour rain in the form of sweet nectar," is a profound text that unveils the stages of bhakti, or devotional service, leading to the highest state of Prema Bhakti. Srila Viswanatha Chakravarti Thakur provides a clear roadmap, illuminating the path for practitioners of Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇavism. In this self-study course, you will explore the different stages of bhakti, understand the obstacles to overcome, and learn how to advance on the path towards divine love.

Course Teacher:

HG Sri Keshav Das

Course Content:

  • First Shower of Nectar – Preeminence of Bhakti
  • Second Shower of Nectar – Understanding the Initial Stages of Bhakti (Sraddha, Sadhusanga, & Bhajana kriya)
  • Third Shower of Nectar – Overcoming Obstacles to Bhakti (Anartha Nivrtti)
  • Fourth Shower of Nectar – Establishing Firm Faith (Nistha)
  • Fifth Shower of Nectar – Experiencing Transcendental Bliss (Ruchi)
  • Sixth Shower of Nectar – Deepening Attachment (Asakti)
  • Seventh Shower of Nectar – Immersion in Divine Ecstasy (Bhava Bhakti)
  • Eighth Shower of Nectar – Fulfillment of the Soul's Yearning (Prema Bhakti)

Course Materials:

You will receive concise notes for each session to aid your self-study.

Target Audience:

This self-study course is open to anyone interested in deepening their understanding of Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇavism and the stages of bhakti.


As you progress through the course, you can test your knowledge and understanding through self-assessment exercises.

Why Choose This  Course?

By studying Madhurya Kadambini independently, you can navigate the stages of bhakti at your own pace, gaining insights into your spiritual progress, identifying deficiencies, and knowing how to further your journey on the path of bhakti. This self-study course is a lantern that illuminates your path towards the highest destination of Prema Bhakti.

What You Can Achieve Through This Course:

Schedule of Classes

Course Curriculum

1 Subject

Madhurya Kadambini

1 Exercises28 Learning Materials


Madhurya Kadambini Shower – 1


Madhurya Kadambini Shower – 2


Madhurya Kadambini Shower – 3


Madhurya Kadambini Shower – 4


Madhurya Kadambini Shower – 5


Madhurya Kadambini Chapter -1 (Introduction


Madhurya Kadambini Chapter -2 (Bhajana Kriya)


Madhurya Kadambini Chapter -3 (Anartha Nivrtti)


Madhurya Kadambini Chapter -4 (Nistha)


Madhurya Kadambini Chapter -5 (Ruci)


Madhurya Kadambini Chapter -6 (Asakti)


Madhurya Kadambini Chapter -7 (Bhava)


Madhurya Kadambini Chapter -8 (Prema)


Madhurya Kadambini Shower – 6


Madhurya Kadambini Shower – 7


Madhurya Kadambini Shower – 8


Madhurya Kadambini Book



Session 1

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Session 2

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Session 3

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Session 4

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Session 5

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Session 6

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Session 7

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Session 8

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Session 9

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Session 10

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Session 11

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Madhurya Kadambini Exam


Course Instructor

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33 Courses   •   401 Students

ISKCON Bhagavat Mahavidyalaya of North America, is committed to use the traditional methods of studying and teaching the Vedic literature and writings of the Gaudiya Vaishnava Acharyas.

As a service to the vaishnava society we wish to offer the glories of Srimad Bhagavatam as presented by our previous acharyas. This is our humble attempt to encourage devotees to read, hear and speak about Srimad Bhagavatam regularly.