Course Teacher:
HG Kanai Krishna Das
Course Description:
Welcome to this self-study course on the Ten Essential Truths of Gaudiya Vaisnavism as presented by Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura. This course is designed for individuals who are serious about delving into the teachings of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and gaining a deep understanding of Vedic philosophy. By the end of this self-study course, you will have a solid grasp of these fundamental tenets and be equipped to discern Vedic truths from speculations and misinterpretations found in various scriptures.
What will Students Gain from this Course?
Course Content:
A brief sketch of Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura’s life and contributions Daśa Mūla Tattva: Ten essential truths.
Target Audience:
Anyone who is studying Gaudiya Vaisnavism.
Assessment Plan:
An MCQ examination held at the end of the course.
1 Subject
1 Exercises • 18 Learning Materials
33 Courses • 403 Students
ISKCON Bhagavat Mahavidyalaya of North America, is committed to use the traditional methods of studying and teaching the Vedic literature and writings of the Gaudiya Vaishnava Acharyas.
As a service to the vaishnava society we wish to offer the glories of Srimad Bhagavatam as presented by our previous acharyas. This is our humble attempt to encourage devotees to read, hear and speak about Srimad Bhagavatam regularly.
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