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Bhakti Shastri Teacher's Training Course

Course Instructor
To enroll in this course, please contact the Admin
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Course Overview

Course Overview:

1st lesson (2hours) – Aims of Sastric Study

2nd lesson (2hours) – Overview Bhakti Sastri Materials, lesson planning methodology, aims – delivery -sample lesson, assignment, students writing lesson plans/materials/ preparing presentation

3rd lesson (2 hours) -- Students presentations

4th lesson (2 hours) – assessments and an essay by the students

Total course duration (8 hours).

The aims of the study are as follows:

1. To familiarise students with the Bhakti Shastri materials.

2. To help students to memorise and understand the ‘Twelve Aims of Shastri study’ and to appreciate their importance as the foundation for the course.

3. To help students effectively plan lessons congruent and with sound educational principles

4. To enhance student’s delivery skills, particularly in the area of implicitly promoting the desired learning.

5. To help students understand the purpose, importance and features of effective assessment, particularly as they related to shastric education and it aims, and to equip them with corresponding skills.

This is a certificate course.

Schedule of Classes

Start Date & End Date

Apr 03 2023 - Apr 06 2023

Total Classes

4 Classes

Course Curriculum

1 Subject

Bhakti Shastri Teacher's Training Course

86 Learning Materials

Course Instructor